RTRT.me - Real Time Race Tracking

Real-Time Race Tracking for World-Class Events

RTRT.me - Developers Reference


RTRT.me has a set of APIs which enable Event Admins and approved 3rd parties to consume and manage data in real-time through a variety of methods and interfaces.

NOTE: RTRT.me API is available only to developers working under the direction of our Events or Official Event Timers. All uses of the API must be approved. Unauthorized access or use is prohibited and will be blocked.

Consuming Data & Feeds

The two primary APIs for receiving data are the Web API and the TCP API.

We also offer a Web Hook service which can push results in real-time to your server running an http listener. For more information about the Web Hooks, please contact us.


RTRT.me has a set of Admin APIs for authorized Event Admins providing secure access to more fields and the ability to create, update, and delete event data.

Our Admin Web API is useful for managing event and roster data.

For streaming timing data into RTRT, we have an easy to implement Timing Data Socket Protocol. For more information and to request a copy of the protocol documentation, please contact us.