RTRT.me - Real Time Race Tracking

Real-Time Race Tracking for World-Class Events

RTRT.me - Best Practices for Promoting Live Results

Below are some suggested practices while preparing for and promoting Live Results.

TIP: Ask us about sample promo verbiage for your event.

During Registration - LET PEOPLE KNOW

  1. Inform participants about WHAT tracking services will be available, WHEN tracking sign-up will be launched, and WHERE the sign-up page will be. A good place for this might be at the end the of the registration form, or in the registration confirmation email.

TIP: If possible, collect estimated finish (or expected pace) for participants during registration. This helps with accuracy of our estimates and improves things like Live Map Tracking before first split.

Before Tracker Sign-up Launch - FINALIZE SETUP

  1. Verfiy that categories, timing points, course maps, and all other tracking setup requirements are completed.
  2. Load a prelimiary roster.

Two weeks prior to event - GET THE WORD OUT AND CREATE A BUZZ

  1. Email blasts to participants & referrals with subject such as ’[EVENT NAME] - Sign Up Now for Live Results!’ . (This can be sent via our system, or any email campaign system).
  2. Post to your Facebook/Twitter telling people about the tracking system.
  3. Use our Facebook Page Tab embedding feature and put RTRT tracker in your events Facebook page.
  4. Update the homepage for your event with a clearly visible callout for “Participants and Spectators Sign-Up Now for Live Updates!’.
  5. Make Signs and handouts with simple Tracking Instructions (and QR codes) to be used at the Expo, Course & Transportation locations.