RTRT.me - Real Time Race Tracking

Real-Time Race Tracking for World-Class Events


If your request returns no results, or is invalid for any reason, the API will respond with an "error" object.

		"code":"[ERROR NUMBER]"
		"type":"[ERROR TYPE]",
		"msg":"[SYSTEM MESSAGE]",
		"display":"[USER MESSAGE]"

Error Levels

Each application has a setting for Error Level.
Your application's error level detemines what kind of error objects you receive. Available error levels are:

  • Error Level 0 = 'type', 'code'
  • Error Level 1 [default] = 'type', 'msg'
  • Error Level 2 = 'type', 'msg', 'code'
  • Error Level 3 = 'type', 'msg', 'code', 'display'

Error Objects:

codetypemsg *display *
2040 no_results No matching results. Sorry, there were no results for your request.
2041 too_many_results Max results reached and 'failonmax' is true. Not returning results. Sorry, too many participants matched your search. Please try entering more of the name, or try entering the bib number only.
2042 no_changes Checksums match. There were no changes since the last request.
4000 bad_query Bad request. Sorry, there was a problem accessing the service. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please contact the application provider.
4010 not_authorized Your token is not registered for this application. Sorry, there was a problem accessing the service. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please contact the application provider.
4030 access_denied No access to this function. Sorry, there was a problem accessing the service. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please contact the application provider.
4040 no_token Token not passed. Sorry, there was a problem accessing the service. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please contact the application provider.
4060 secure_socket_required SSL required for this function. Sorry, there was a problem accessing the service. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please contact the application provider.
4061 secret_required A passcode is required to register a token for this application. Sorry, there was a problem accessing the service. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please contact the application provider.
5000 failed There was an issue with processing your request. Sorry, there was a problem accessing the service. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please contact the application provider.
5030 service_unavailable The RTRT API Service is currently unavailable. Sorry, there was a problem accessing the service. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please contact the application provider.

* Default shown. 'msg' and 'display' can vary depending on query in order to be more desciptive.

Reasons for Errors

"no_results" -  No matches found for the current search.  Not really an 'error', but returns as error object for simplicity in processing results.
"too_many_results" -  If max results reached and 'failonmax' param is set, return this error and do not return results.
"bad_query" - Requested malformed URL or incorrect query options.
"not_authorized" - not properly authenticated or token is malformed/token.
"access_denied" - application disabled, or not permitted to perform the query with current credentials.
"no_token" - Token not passed or located in your querystring.
"secure_socket_required" - HTTPS required, all tasks require SSL.
"secret_required" - some apps require passcode to register token.
"failed" - Something went wrong while processing the request.  Unable to complete at this time.
"service_unavailable" - RTRT API is Service down for maintenance or some other issue.